The Annual General Meeting of Ekobot AB was held today, May 12, 2021. Due to the coronavirus (covid-19) and the risk of infection spreading, the meeting was conducted only by advance voting (so-called postal voting) with the support of temporary legal rules. The Annual General Meeting resolved as follows:
Election of chairman of the meeting
The Chairman of the Board, Thomas Lindgren, opened the Annual General Meeting.
It was decided in accordance with the temporary nomination committee's proposal to elect Thomas Lindgren as chairman of the meeting. It was noted that the chairman would keep today's minutes.
Reporting of the result of postal votes regarding each item on the agenda was compiled in the minutes, Appendix 1, which states the information specified in section 26 of the specified law (2020: 198). It was noted in particular that no shareholder had notified the company of the wish that a resolution under one or more items should be postponed to a continued Annual General Meeting.
2. Establishment and approval of the ballot paper
It was decided to approve Appendix 2, which has been prepared by the company based on the general meeting share register and votes received as a voting list at the meeting.
It was resolved to approve Appendix 2 and Appendix 1 prepared by the company based on the general meeting share register and votes received as the voting list at the meeting.
Selection of one or two adjusters
Mats Otterheim was appointed to adjust today's minutes together with the chairman.
It was noted that the adjuster's assignment also includes checking the voting list and that postal votes are correctly reproduced in the minutes of the meeting.
4. Examination of whether the meeting has been duly convened
The meeting was declared convened in accordance with the law.
5. Approval of agenda
The AGM approved the proposed agenda included in the notice.
6. Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report
It was found that the annual report and the auditor's report for the financial year 2020 were presented by keeping the documents available at the company and on the company's website.
7. Resolution on Adoption of income statement and balance sheet, disposition of profit / loss and discharge of liability for the board members and the CEO
The AGM resolved to approve the income statement and balance sheet included in the annual report in accordance with the Board's proposal.
The AGM resolved to consider the profit for the year in accordance with the Board's proposal, Appendix 3, meaning that the profit for the year is transferred to a new account.
The AGM resolved to grant the members of the Board of Directors and the President discharge from liability for their management of the company's affairs during the previous financial year.
8. Determination of fees to the Board and the auditors
The AGM resolved that the Board members (who are not employees of the company) be remunerated with 2 income base amounts to the Chairman of the Board (ie SEK 136,400) and 1 income base amount (ie SEK 68,200) each to other Board members (it is noted that "income base amount" refers to income base amount for 2021). The AGM resolved that fees to the company's auditor shall be paid in amounts according to current / approved invoices.
9. Election of the Board and of auditors
Existing board members were re-elected for the period until the next Annual General Meeting. The AGM resolved to re-elect the current auditing firm Grant Thornton and the principal auditor Michael Palm for the period until the next Annual General Meeting.
10. The Board's proposal for authorization for the Board to make decisions on new issue of shares, issue of warrants and / or convertibles
The AGM resolved to authorize the Board to make decisions on new issues of shares, issue of warrants and / or convertibles in accordance with the Board's proposal, Appendix 3.
11. The Board's proposal for guidelines for the Nomination Committee
The AGM resolved to adopt instructions for the Nomination Committee in accordance with the Board's proposal, Appendix 3.
12. The Board's proposal to amend the Articles of Association
The AGM resolved to adopt a new Articles of Association in accordance with the Board's proposal, Appendix 3.
13. Closing of the meeting
The meeting was declared closed.
Erik Jonuks
CEO/ VD Ekobot AB – Autonomous precision agriculture
+46 703 850 890
About Ekobot
Ekobot is the result of the founder Ulf Nordbeck's thoughts and desire to combine robotics and healthy sustainable food production. Ekobot's goal is to be able to offer practical and sustainable solutions to agricultural issues while reducing workload with autonomous tools for vegetable farmers. Ekobot has grown and combined today a team of experts in agricultural robotics with shareholders who share their convictions and understand the challenges of start-ups.